28 March 2007 @1:01 AM
night shows makes me laugh. morning makes me cry, b'cos i don't want to wake up. nursery class makes me feels to young, k1 class makes me feel more like a teacher where real discipline kicks in. i'm a night person but as much as i can, i make my morning, night. make myself be as awake as night in morning.
there are many things to make you unhappy and upset. do selective listening, at least you can feel better. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
26 March 2007 @11:54 PM
everybody have their rights to be angry over a matter, depending which angle they take. like i always tell people,
one mountain top but many routes up. so why insist that you are only right?
yes sometimes i can be so WRONG for insisting that my route is the only right way, people make mistakes and sometimes we tend to be stubborn somewhere, somehow. i may be wrong for my tone of voice, but of cos i have my reasons and my angle of perspective for being upset with
your actions.
scenario #1child A has a habit of bitting people all year round and everyone knows it. one day when you are out of the classroom and you heard that someone got bitten, will your first reaction be, "
CHILD A, again?"
scenario #2lets refer to the story, "the boy who cried wolf". after a few times, people will go, "NOT AGAIN..."
if you have constantly be doing something that upsets people, how will people know when you are trying to be serious? especially when you said you were and act like you don't? you can't blame me for thinking that way... your actions and words don't telly, don't match.
goodness. everyone wants to be right, yea who don't?
i can't believe my eyes, my ears and my mind. you tell me that i am being rude,
okie fine,
i accept cos i know that sometimes i can be...
but what do you call yourself when you hang up the phone in the midst of a phone call, even though the conversation is abit heated? i
would rather you flare at me. on a second though, maybe i
regret calling.
i can be as rude as
you expect me to be.
i can only treat you the way you want me to. if you want to play attitude with me, i will let you have your way, just don't go overboard cos soon my A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E will come to you, then we will see who has the "best" attitude.
case closed.
sometimes people like this, improves your character.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:29 AM
sometimes, when things we can't hold on to, we have to
let go. when we let go from our hands, we also have to let go from our
heart. though weird feelings some by sometimes, we know that these are past memories that we are glad to have.
thanks for playing a great part. we will meet up soon.
peixiong. i want to meet you !!!
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:19 AM

i found this picture in my photobucket album. :) wow, it must have been ancient history. haha. to think of it makes me laugh cos when i was making this gift for my friend, i felt so pervert to be cutting eyes out of models from magazines and all. hehe. well, if you need the attention, here's all that you want. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
24 March 2007 @11:49 PM
after a few incidents that had happened over the week, i realised how petty i can actually get over small matters. and it is worst when one builds onto another and gets my anger up another level. this week is really one that i try my best to keep my cool. when things are not good from the start and you lost control over it, you just blow it. and i think i almost blew everything up.
BUT... things are always good when you shift focus. yes, true enough our mind is always driving towards the negative. we just need to put effort to focus on the good,
focus on God.
i am looking forward for a better week.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
21 March 2007 @10:10 PM
why do people put msn nick such as, LEAVE ME ALONE, argh sick again, no one cares and so on. are they wanting the crowd's attention? or they are just expressing themselves? i guess our nicks sometimes is a good way to convey to the crowd our current situation or feelings. worst still, a msg directly for a person to see. sometimes i wish i can speak my heart out, or rather be so direct to include eg.
XXX i am really upset with you, you broke my heart.
if one day i were to put on my nick, "i am really upset today" or something about that line, will you come and talk to me because you are just being a K-Po or because you are genuinely concern about me. sometimes i wonder.
who is real? this has been a thought that i have been pondering about for quite some time.
its quite werid. this week there are quite a few people asking me for a meet up. they seem to fall in order of days. i wonder what's the catch. did i suddenly growth prettier? nah not quite possible. or maybe people just thought of me and missed me? :) heh i will really try to make it for all meet ups, especially those people that i don't get to see for a few months time.
especially if i take you more than a normal friend.
tired from all the work at work.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
19 March 2007 @12:16 AM
let my life bring You honour
let my words bring You praise
Your great love is all i want Lord
i've nothing else to gain
i particularly like this part of the new worship song we sang this morning, felt that it really touched my heart as we sang it. yes Lord, let my life bring You honour, in everything i do. let my words be words of love that will be pleasing to Your ears.
i was
upset this morning, over a couple of matters. being upset seems to be wrong? and to avoid me from saying the wrong things, can i just shut up? does it kill anyone if i stop talking? i am petty, yes i admit i am. i am very D and C... but that's me. my character is like that when it comes to planning and work.
i can't mention names, or can i? this is supposed to be
my blog where i can freely express how
i feel. but sometimes blogging makes me a
fake person, cos i have to write nice things to sound good. if i am bad, i'm bad. if i am mean, i'm mean. do i really care that much when i write and if the person happens to see?
let me c l a r i f y .if you happen to see your name on my blog, that means you are
on my mind, which falls into 2 category:
good or
bad. if i wrote something good about you, smile and come back reading again. if i wrote something bad,
i don't consider it as that kind of "bad" but anyway, i wrote it from how i felt that moment and most of the time after i express myself, i will let go and i will really forget.
by the way sean, i am not AA (attracting attention). there are more people whom are more ATTENTION seeking than me. if you don't like, don't bother about me and don't see. that's the least you can do.
i know the present wasn't really very well done. people focus more on ahjie's slight disappointment and feel that the present as compared to last year was a big mega difference. though i too felt the same way, but hey, i did put in much effort in the making the present. not that it was an extreme hard task to do but it the effort work. no encouragement or anything... quite sad actually.
i'm better off colouring teaching aids for my students, at least i feel so lifted up when they tell me, "teacher, very nice leh!"
thanks samuel for understanding my stand and bother to listen to my whines. and to peixiong who know my character and the way i handle things. i am thankful always for you two. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
16 March 2007 @1:21 AM
the more you work with someone, more time is spend together. more time spend together, true self and character will start to surface. i'm an easy going person. though i like to have things my way, i can offer to give in. don't push things too hard cos i am not easy to mess around with. i don't argue, i reason and i stay firm. the last resort is to show you my colours.
i dislike people who don't do much, but talk alot. instead of encouragements, you slash cold water at us. not a single contribution on work but contribute all the critics about this and that. goodness!
i can
ren. though i am not a good tempered person, i try my best to stay calm. but when i get heated, hotter than the iron on max heat, be prepared... i can't think of what are the things i will do or can do cos i haven really get near that stage.
when you work outside you see part of the world through the people or company you work with and for.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
15 March 2007 @2:07 AM
i'm scare of people. who is real and who is not, i can't tell.
scenario #1:
one told me to be watchful, beware and stay away. another seem to be nice but yet too early to tell. the one i have to beware of became someone i can share frustration with. one is always talking without action plans. one is not bothered about everything. the last one seems clueless. the other miscellaneous people wants to have a say about everything.
who is real?
scenario #2:
wait wait wait. waiting for the sky to fall, for pigs to learn how to climb tree, sharks to make friends with fishes... i mean its not bad to be waiting but do take effort to ask if one needs help and most importantly take initiative. even if you didn't help much, by asking makes me feel that you are still bothered. i can't stand people who thinks that others knows everything. well i don't. like i said, i am going to be lesser concern about things that don't bother or rather affect me.
when i care, people feel that i am being kpo. when i don't people say i am too less bothered about them. humans. how nonsense can we ever get?
how can i be real?
scenario #3:
you tell me this and then behind me you said something different. not that you back stabbed me, but you changed your lines of words within 5minutes. how fast. do i trust your conversation with me or with the third person?
are which words are real to listen?
scenario #4:
when people are busy, their true colours surface, especially if a strong headed person insisted her way through of doing things.
are you more real when you are busy?
walking away...
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
13 March 2007 @2:05 PM
i like to know a lot, be "
concern" about everything. my dad comment, "why do you always like to be a toa k-po?" maybe i am one. i need to stop, i guess. be less concern, less bothered. make my life easier.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@2:22 AM
suggesting is easy. talk is cheap.
words without action is nothing. absolutely true. everyone wants to say something, everyone wants to be heard but at the end of the day, who is really doing what they say? if you don't practice what you preach, who will ever follow? gosh!
been trying to settle as much stuff at work today. has been just enough to keep me busy and i have to entertain silly questions. anyway at work, i know there will be alot of problems that is surfacing but as much as i can, i try to keep things low. i can't deny that even in my line, there are working politics. everyone wants to have the bigGER say. if your suggestions are "against" them, better just keep quiet, cos you won't be heard. that's how it is.
"... but in the end, everything also you do right?" - pei xiong
i wouldn't say everything. most of it. maybe its my D and C character an me that makes me feel so KPO to want to do everything. feels like i have a KPO spirit in me, always trying to make myself
zo-bo-eng (make myself feel busy).
is this really necessary? do i have to try to do everything?
had a msn chat with raymond. sometimes i really thank God for such chats cos it makes you feel that someone who you hardly talk to can understand more than those you always talk to.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
12 March 2007 @2:10 AM
i'm starting to feel very D when every i want to do something
in my way. yes, sometimes i tend to forget about how the rest around me feel cos i'm so blinded with my opinion of how the outcome of the thing should be. my D personality is raising higher, but so what? who doesn't want things their way at times?
i feel that the march holidays is burned. apart from work, i really have no time for myself to really do what i enjoy. i long for a good night's rest... very much.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
09 March 2007 @10:58 PM

person A (left) showing a pic to B.
B: this doesn't look anything like me.
most of the time, we deny who we really are. well i would say, we just appear differently to different people we meet from time to time. its getting scary to work at my work place. sometimes i feel that i am a little two-face too cos of the different approach i take to talk to different people. i don't aim to please them but i just want to have peace. already enough problems and changes at work place that is causing us to be unhappy, plus my pay problem. why do you think i would want to find myself another problem.
i believe in one-ear-in-one-ear-out. listen. listen. LISTEN. don't comment too much also cos you get yourself into alot of trouble if you are mis-quoted by others.
who is the real you?
- the one in front of your mirror?
- the one daydreaming?
- the one in front of your boss/leader?
- the one at work/school?
- the one facing crisis?
- the one with friends?
- the one in front of your family/love one?
- the one in front of God?
- the one who you are still in search for?
what is real and what is not?
who's real and who's not?
how do you know? can you really feel it? what if the person is so good with the act? what if you were deceived all along? what if this person's character is made up in your wild imagination?
i am not, therefore i think.
i think, therefore i am.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
07 March 2007 @12:20 AM
2007 is going to be your best year yet. yea, everyone and
that saying.
gosh. i am struggling to break out of my slackness. but yet i feel that i have so much to do all the time. my hands are busy, my mind is thinking but my body is not moving. brain-half-dead. but thank God things somehow hit for a change.
i was just telling qinsi that, sometimes when we are in our walk, yes we may keep walking down but when you reach a stage where there is no more way down, you have to go
UP once again. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
04 March 2007 @2:13 AM
how much can you go through, before you finally want to give up?
i am connected with the mobile line again. bad news number #2, i lost all my contacts in my previous sim card. OMG. sigh* i really have to go around asking for numbers again. oh well, at least asking from those people i want to have contact with first. thank goodness i have some numbers in my old phone's memory.
i stopped thinking that the person will be convicted. i am waiting for a blessing in disguise. haha. :) maybe a nice 3G phone to come. that would be good.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
03 March 2007 @2:36 AM
i enjoy good dreams that i don't remember. how irony. people like to remember the good ones while i prefer not to. well i guess if i do, i tend to daydream a lot on that sweet dream, that can only happen in dreamland.com and never in reality. thus i figured that i rather have no dream and give me a good rest. :) sleeps without dreams are good cos they don't make you force yourself to try to recall what you dreamt or think about where did the dream stopped at and wonder what happen later or even get upset with the person who woke you up from your sweet dream.
i don't like to be screamed at when i wake up, especially before i go to work. it will surely affect my mood. i enjoy mornings with enough words exchanged and more than enough time to prepare. i don't like people to keep reminding me of the time when i already know i have to hurry. to be honest, i don't like to wake up so early in the morning. haha. unless i have alot of rest the day before. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@1:51 AM
i lost my chocolate. b'cos i was running late for work. i hop on the cab and as soon as i reached my destination, i flew out. and that's how maybe i didn't realised that my phone slipped off my jacket's pocket or something. :/ sadly, i only found out 2 hours later. sigh* i felt so angry with myself for being so careless the whole day.
now that two days is already over, and there's no news about the phone, i guess its goodbye. though i am still believing in a miracle that the person gets
convicted and returns the phone.
i was still sad about it today at work. plus my own students seems to go all out to try to murder me by forgetting every single thing i told them and simply doing all the opposite things. during the next nursery class, i went in to do chit chatting with the children. i have a few dearies that i really like in the pink class, ashton, joshua, johanna, munchi.
i was talking with johanna asking her why does she always shout for me from her block when she sees in the the afternoon with my k1 class during PE. she paused for a while and replied, "
because i love you!" at first i thought i heard wrongly so i asked her to repeat what she said. without a second thought, "
i love you teacher regina." it really blew my mind. seems like all the troubles were lifted off my head. she made me feel so so loved.
my class too, i really enjoy the hugs they give me before they go home. cos it makes me feel important in their lives. i received a praise report from my principal that sheri's grandfather sang high praises of me. to think that he used to think that i am like a big child. wow! it sure made my day to know of so much good things that came in after the loss of my phone.
another thing that made me really smile with my heart is andrea's results. so proud of her. :) and i was so touch that she shared about me being there for her in the midst of her "dark exam period" during testimony. almost moved to tears. but tears of joy.
i'm back to serve tomorrow. yippie!! :) and sunday i have my ministry lunch. cool. yeah. hoo!
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach