26 February 2007 @7:31 PM
last weekend was one of the longest. haha. i finished watching my show, went to help out for my cell group's steamboat dinner, rush down to sentosa, played indian poker, went for supper, watch classmates test drive and do parking, drive through cemetery, went back to resort, laugh, talk nonsense, sleep, nap, rush home, wash up, rush out for service....
i had so much fun. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
24 February 2007 @3:45 AM
i finally finish watching my show, war and beauty. awesome show of how women fight to survive in tough environment. not much of laughing scenes as the title explains. the whole show is always on the climax of their jealousy that leads to evil plots and lastly concequences. as i watch the show, i could feel the pain, the anger, the heartaches, the satisfaction, the anxiety... of the characters. constantly wondering why did so-and-so do such a thing....
maybe i am too into the show, so much that, without realising, i spend my whole night to finish the last third of the show. gosh. just like what i always do when i want to watch a certain drama series. just that now i break them down to watch. age is catching up, oh i mean i have to work the next day so i can't afford to watch through the night, except weekends. dvds are good. cos you don't have to keep changing disc. haha.
i love the words in the show. i wish i have time to recall and write it down.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
22 February 2007 @12:42 AM
sometimes i wish i can be nicer friend.
sometimes i wish i can be wiser at choices.
sometimes i wish i can be better at work.
sometimes i wish i can be faster in things i do.
sometimes i wish i can be more hardworking.
sometimes i wish i can be more efficient.
sometimes i wish i can be more daring.
sometimes i wish i can be free to express myself.
sometimes i wish i can be a good friend for myself.
sometimes i wish i can be rest more.
sometimes i wish i can be more appreciative.
sometimes sometimes sometimes....
sometimes i wish i can
be controlled so i don't lose control.
let Him be in control. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:27 AM
on my way to the toilet today, a parent who was in classroom came up and ask me, "are you the teacher?". looking puzzled, i told her i am, but am not the form teacher of her son and then pointed to veronica who was conducting her class. anyhow, she walked up to me and passed me a red packet and said, "come, take. happy new year."
haha. so interesting. :)
teck sheng came to class with a nice paper bag of two mandarin oranges and a handful of sweets in it. after saying happy chinese new year to me, i asked if the bag was for me. he held tightly to it and looked at me blankly. suddenly his grandfather came to the door and said, "
boy ah, give it to your teacher lah. (in chinese)" he smiled and passed me the bag. just as i put down the bag and turned my head, he took back the bag and took out sweets and started to distribute the sweets to his friends. haha. how
interestingly sweet of him.
he's a sweetie. :)

n2 yellow class. class of 2006
happy chinese new year party. look at ridzuan in his long pao. i think he look doubly cute. too bad i didn't had my camera with me, cos its enjoying its life in perth. my camera has a better life than me, it travels overseas more than me. i'm jealous. haha
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
20 February 2007 @6:10 PM
i had this dream last night, that seems so real. a part of it seems to be an unplayed scene of my life, being reviewed in my dreams. somehow it explains why things happen this way and helped me to see things from another angle. sometimes i do believe that our dreams are telling us somethings that we fail to see in our daily busy life. or sometimes, it just gives you a fantasy to take away your frustrations.
i enjoy having good dreams that i don't remember after i wake up. :)
i just changed my pc and my monitor. yippie! i supposed i should be happy, right?
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
11 February 2007 @10:22 PM
i learn a lot today. sometimes it is good to live in a life where you only tell when being asked, or tell when necessary. :) nothing worth to let the whole world know about. my life is ordinary, unless if you are interested, you will read more about it through me.
i received the best gift ever today: green peas peanuts with wasabi. thanks
andrea. the words on the card make me feel so loved. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
05 February 2007 @10:57 PM
wow! i just read my tag board after so long, okie not really
that long, just about a few days. thanks phileo for the note. his note really encourages me and to tell, to remind myself that i am the best and i therefore have to do my best. apart from trying, i have to really DO IT. just like what nike says, just do it. haha. thanks phil.
recently things have hit a nice turn at work. students are more well behaved, more things to laugh about at work. at least i feel happier when i see all my students. i'm feeling a
little sad now that my ex-students no longer
want to greet me or rather they are so adapt to their form teacher now that they feel no need. hai. to let go to be free. they're no longer my students, but they will forever be my most favourite students.

class of 2006 : k1 daisy
not the perfect photo cos two didn't turn up on that day. but nice enough for me to think of them one day when i grow old. haha.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach