30 December 2006 @2:43 AM
politics. sigh, sometimes i wonder what's up with teachers nowadays. not practicing what they preach. one moment telling children to love one another, the next moment talk bad behind another colleague. scary. looks like you have to always beware of people. the world is so...
beautifully UGLIED by such people.
anyway, i heard that i am my "
principle's pet". yea whatever! if i am a pet, what kind would i want to be? a fish or dog or .... -_-. just because of somethings i did and talking more to her made me her pet. well, to think of it, to really be a pet of your boss/supervisor, without doing anything great or significant, means you are sure
something (referring to the good part). i don't really remember that i had a lot of praises from my principle to me, its always more of reminding me to put a stop to last minute work and a lot of work related stuff. haha.
pet. ha!
i believe that we should learn to keep quiet at many times. smart is good enough, don't act or play smart.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
27 December 2006 @1:02 AM
some people are out there to
make people angry.
some people are out there to
irritate you.
some people are out there to
be so sensitive about everything.
some people are out there to
make things complicated.
some people are out there to
create trouble.such people are really so free to be doing such things.
recently, i am a little irritated by someone who constantly gets sensitive over little issues like, "are you angry with me?", "you guys unhappy with me?", "er, what you guys talking about?" and such. i mean, why can someone be so sensitive is because there is lack of security. or what else can it be? to be KPO? seriously, i just have to say, sometimes you have to be there to understand the point, or rather you have to be fast enough to catch the conversation to understand the point. i dislike retelling conversations...
i remember i have a badge that says, i don't like to repeat myself. or it goes something along that line. true enough, some of my friends say i am really like that. oh well. who likes to keep repeating themselves? certainly not me.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
26 December 2006 @1:53 AM
If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job. ~Donald D. Quinn
i love being a teacher.
i appreciate people understanding my job scope. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@1:37 AM
Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. ~W.T. Purkiser
so true so true. if we are just waiting for the blessings to come to pass by doing nothing, it is almost like not hearing them. :) chinese proverd, shou zhu dai du. waiting for things to happen don't always happen in a lifetime. if you think you have nine lifes like a cat, you can try using 4 life time waiting. haha. :)
sean said i am on the quote virus. haha*
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:42 AM
suddenly i feel so much like
changing. to grow up much much more in my thinking. i have NOT been childish but i just feel that i want to grow up more maturely in my thinking. i want to do more. everything can be less but
actions must be more.
Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. ~W.J. Cameron
anyway action speaks louder than words eh?
i'm inspired by You.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
25 December 2006 @10:51 PM
i have to stop making myself create silly fantasy over nothing. i lost it. i let go of good chances myself. i just want to say i am happy that things are not the way i wanted it to be. cos to see you happy with where you are now is more happier than anything. really.
i don't have the courage to say
i love you, but i dare to say,
i really like you alot, very much as my good friend. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@10:22 PM
i noticed that i have take a slight, or maybe quite big, change in my character. i become
less caring,
less bothered,
less concern,
less interested,
less supportive,
less energy... lesser of a lot of other things.
i need to work out my life. or just lose everything.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
23 December 2006 @2:32 AM
christmas is coming.
jingle bells jingle bells....
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:56 AM

when you see this, it just simply means i just came back from a GREAT show. awesome! :) i am so impressed by all the actor and actress, and most importantly all of their
facial expression. i must say the king is surely the king and so is the queen of movies, their acting is super good and i think they have pretty good
mo-qi. :) anyway the whole point still goes back to my most favourite prince jai. woohoo!

his role is simple but great! "xiao" - unconditional love respect and loyalty for one's parents. regard as the highest regards in the chinese culture. :) i love his role. because of the love for his mum, he died. and i teared. :/ the ending song ended the whole movie really well. nice lyrics.
oh to end of, director zhang said, curse of the golden flower is like
"gold and jade on the outside, rot and decay on the inside". what ever looks good on the outside doesn't mean anything. cos on the inside, it's rotting. that's probably why it is a cursed. heh.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
22 December 2006 @5:37 PM
though i may not be totally well...
though i may not be feeling too good too...
though everywhere is almost fully booked...
though the seats available in the cinema is bad...
though its the third front seat though booked online...
NOTHING can stop me from watching it... ...
the curse of the golden flower.
i will be back to talk ALOT about the show. :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) whhheeee!!!!
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
21 December 2006 @4:20 PM
one of the most terrible moments in life is to fall ill. yuck. just been through one of the worst feelings ever for the past 1.5day. vomiting, visits to the toilet and the constant sharp stomach pains. ouch. the whole time is to only sleep and sleep some more. i was quite weak to really do much as the pain keep coming and i had to sleep to ignore the pain. it was terrible, terrible.
feeling much better today. much much much better. at least i can also eat something and use the com now. i wonder how did i do it for not eating and drinking the whole of yesterday, cos whatever i eat i throw up so it's considered not eating. bleah..
time to do the things that i did not and wasn't able to do so yesterday.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
18 December 2006 @4:42 AM
i serious
wonder wonder wonder. sorry for being mean or what: how can a person with
not-much-of-an-character be always involve in relationships? anyway its getting
in and out of relationships, which leads to heartbreaks and heartaches all the time. terrible. :/ i do wonder, wonder, wonder what and where is the
attraction? hmm, maybe they are all young girls that's why it is easy to
hook them up? but what's the point of doing that when it will never work out? gosh. aiyo! haha. that's why i said, pardon me for being mean. its just making me feel puzzled all the time. :)
staying up is so cool. i always like to stay up. esp to watch live-cartoons. heh. ;) cartoons makes you laugh so much that your worries are gone for a while... :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
16 December 2006 @3:13 AM
i paid the most expensive cab fare all my life today journey from city hall to woodlands:
$25. reason being, HEAVY traffic jam at city hall area, all the red traffic lights waiting, plus two erp charges and the peak hour surcharge. it is really a lot.
thats the story about the collection of the christmas ham for the cell group house.
i like the card i made for audrey. love loved it. some of them thought i bought the card. but well i didn't. somehow feeling good and bad about it at the same time. good because it is really nicely made and it looks "pro". bad being... its too commercial that people mistaken as bought. i had that card idea in my mind for a long time, just wanted to express it for someone special. :) haha. i don't know how to make nice designs, i go for simple. my simple designs are all in the details of making it.
20 + 1. haha. nice. :)
you know the person, you know what kind of card to make.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
15 December 2006 @2:19 AM

$50 cash voucher. :) its a smart gift.
what will you buy if you are given a voucher that allows you to shop for anything you want that's below $50? a bag? a pair of shoes? clothes?
my friend told me, "you never like presents, thats why i got smarter and i got you that." haha. true to a certain extend. :) i laugh a lot when people say something about me that most people don't usually talk about. cos it makes my ears and heart feel good. at least its something new. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@1:40 AM
minds cafe. interesting place to go out with friends to really chill and play games. yes, even
brainless games keeps us crazy. lots of screaming and reacting. :) i had fun. one bad thing about these places is when you have friends who are very
hao sheng, that kind that aim to win at all cost. i mean, its just a friendly game, besides its a
BRAINLESS game. so why take it so seriously when you lose a little? gosh.
thats why you have to choose the right group of people to go out with. erm, not that i am choosy or i am mean... i just prefer not to have my fun spoiled because someone feels upset when he/she lose a simple friendly game. what more when you are a
guy. so petty? or should i say you have no sportsmanship? aiyo. sometimes it amazed me to realized that i have weird friends.
POS guys, lets go down to minds one of these days. yeah! especially after those who are doing their fyp. :) hehe.
i'm reporting back to work, finally. haha. yea, my center is undergoing some painting, hopefully the place will look better than before. audrey and i don't expect much cos we know... budget. haha* whatever the case,
its back to work.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
14 December 2006 @2:35 AM
sometimes its really funny to actually think of it. here you are trying to show concern for a friend that doesn't seem to be appreciating it and there you are trying to avoid this person who is fighting for attention. wow, how i hate incidents like that. it makes me feel like my acts are always wasted effort that rolls down the drain. argh.
i should careless right? or should i be less caring? some people say i am a caring person. am i? since when? in what way? to who? haha. tell me about it.
WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THE PERSON. once again, i already know what people will write about me. cheerful, bubbly.... and all those sociable words to describe me. it always happens for me. cos 6.5 out of 10 times those words will appear. well, i know i am like that. tell me or rather write something about me that i don't know or should i say you observed. that makes the whole thing more meaningful eh. hai. it takes a lot of effort to do that. thats why everyone like to choose the easy way out, the safe way. -_-||
maybe i should get a few friends to play with me. :)
time for observation, observation. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@2:22 AM
"why did you like me? what's so good in me?"
"nothing. you're mean, stubborn, rude, short tempered... but i just like you. i can't control my feelings even though i know you are like that, i just like you..."
- cited off the 10pm show: a conversation.isn't that what people always say, love is blind or rather love covers all mistakes / flaws. :) love can really do wonders. laughs. :) if you really like someone, i guess its all of them that you have to like yea?
recently i have been having funny dreams: people getting attached, me doing some funny stuff, funny incidents, long lost friends....
dreams dreams dreams. nothing but dreams. how i wish some can come true. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
13 December 2006 @3:34 AM
i can't wait. heh. :)
the movie. :) the curse of the golden flower 黄金甲
the new song. :) 霍園丁
i love youtube. :) but i have to stop before i get out of hand. i can't stop watching those video people load up. too many too many too too many... :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
12 December 2006 @3:49 PM
life greatest lesson is to think of the people that is in the opposite situation from you to stop you from complaining or feeling upset over the issue. i guess i understand what the "greatest lesson" really means. stop thinking of life is bad, stop thinking that life is unfair, stop thinking that people are against you. cos there is surely someone that is in a worser stage than you.
how positive thinking?
i had a lot of weird dreams recently. it makes me wonder am i still sleeping or already in reality. haha. :) i guess i need some time to work out than to keep sleeping.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@2:16 AM
when i am up late working on some stuff, there are so much things on my mind. i was just wondering which is a better name for my students to address me next year.
1. Miss Neo
2. Teacher Regina
i prefer the later but then again Miss Neo sounds more formal. haha. funny things that comes in and out of my mind all the time...
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@1:07 AM
regina. (: iammysuperwoman. says:
crazy me...
[Rubez] Breakthroughs!! says:
but if ur nt crazy you, you wouldn't be the regina tt i love ! lol
she makes me feel so love in the middle of the night. :) its so so sweet to have friends who makes you feel special at different time of the day. like i said, my top first love language is words of affirmation, so words really counts a lot to me. :)
周杰倫 i just can't stop listening to his songs and watching his MTV. i am really very very excited about his upcoming movie, the curse of the golden flower. in KL, it will release on the 21dec. i wonder when is the release date for singapore. i remembered spending an hour watching about the making of the movie thru youtube when i was supposed to be sleeping. heh. love loved him. if you love me, you will love him too.
i am his biggest fan in my world. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:09 AM
back from trip.
back to work.
time to work
two weeks is short.
before you know it...
welcome 2007.
live not to regret.
make a difference today.
tomorrow is the result today.
slack should never exist.
:) jiayou!
i thought i saw you today as i walked out of my place. time moves on... like it always doesn't wait for anyone. why is it that people are always late in their actions / words?
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
11 December 2006 @1:15 AM
back, finally. 3 days seems like a week. didn't really enjoy myself as i kept feeling unwell due to the on/off headaches. argh. :/ shopping there was okie. quite cheap at certain places. bought myself some stuff that i thought was okie enough to get. went to the indoor theme park, feel more like sleeping as we had overnight karaoke session a few hours before, thus didn't enjoy the rides. anyway i went there last year, so it wasn't much of a pity for me.
too much free and easy holiday tour isn't that good. too much shopping but what's there to really see there? going as a big group isn't that good either. too much waiting, too much suggestion, too much of happiness here and there. unity is not all the time sticking as a big group.
i prefer to go on a holiday just with my family. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
08 December 2006 @2:59 AM
perhaps perhaps perhaps.
i'm glad i will be away on a short holiday for 3 days. somehow away from people that i usually hang out with. to reflect on myself and the things that i have been doing in year 2006. by the way, what did i really do this whole year?
if i give an open question to the ground of readers, to tell me something that i have done that makes you feel proud of me, what will that be? or i rephrase, is that anything that i have done that is worth feeling proud of? _____________________.
tag me. i
really want to know.
i think i need a break from people i know.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
07 December 2006 @4:49 PM
justice. [the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness:
to uphold the justice of a cause.]
life's good eh. :)
thumbs up for a good life ahead.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@3:35 AM
you made me smile, again. for some reason i was thinking about
you. and for another reason i rather not, so that i may not be sad later on for something that i misled myself into.
i am, i still am. but i moved on.
sometimes turning back isn't a bad thing after all right? but most of the time, and even bible says,
don't look back. i guess i have to
walk on. hopefully good things are all right ahead.
don't let me be mislead by
your actions if
you want nothing more out of what we have.
"did you received the letter that i did not send..."
- interesting part of a lyrics (light in your eyes)
ever wonder how many times you want to tell someone something but are all bottom up in your hearts or written a letter to send/give but are kept in your cupboard? haha.
random thoughts as i was doing my stuff.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
05 December 2006 @4:08 PM

You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
03 December 2006 @10:10 PM
i guess all birthday celebration has come to an end for me today. :) thanks to all those who have send or called me or dropped me msg in friendster or thru email to give me birthday wishes. i really really appreciate all the birthday wishes. anyway my TOP on the list love language is
words of affirmation, so i really like it when i have birthday wishes.... :) and to do that is of cos to first remember my birthday date. haha.
honestly i really didn't feel really good in the morning. i was having a bad headache and felt like vomiting as i felt bloated. the sweet part is my mum cooked the mian-xian for me. :) i didn't managed to finish as i was about to puke and i guess it was too much for me too. -_-.
had alot of interesting happening incident today. to think of it, i think i'm too thick skin to feel embarrassed. one of it was... i broke my heel during service and had to limp over to buy a new pair of shoes. thankfully there was a john little sales going on or i will seriously die. :/ the other is i left my hp on the usher's chair and the usher almost took my phone away by putting it in her bad to probably bring to recep.
service message was really good.
the power of ONE: believing in yourself. if something that needs to be done is impossible, we can trust God for miracles, but if something is possible, God will make sure we work really hard for it to be done. power! :) if you want something to happen, stop depending on miracles, God expects you to work hard for it. wow. its like a WAKE UP wake up call once again, from last week pst phil's svc.
after service during debrief my cell group celebrated my birthday for me. this time they made me go search for my present myself.
clue: female from our subzone. to me its easy like anything... who else will they find than the usual people? so anyway i went over to look for it. the bad thing about the whole thing was, the present didn't look fantastic enough for me to finally realised that it was my gift. so i was like.... oh, okie.
then in the bag itself was a paper mache cake with birthday wishes paper inside. they told me that's my cake for the day. sang the birthday song and all and even prayed for me. deep in my heart was like... HUH, okie, maybe budget. so off i left to buy a pair of new shoes before prayer meeting could start.
pm was good, guess we really did pray up a storm. during pm, pst zhang shared that liu geng hong invited jay for a service and he was touch by the power of God and now liu geng hong and him are reaching out to a*mei. so that means he is saved right? PTL. i am so so happy! my best birthday news for the day. :)
after pm, i went to meet raymond whom tried very hard to catch a minute of my time since service ended till before prayer meeting. i was really very happy that he actually remembered my birthday as we have not really been talking alot and the best part is he also bought me a gift. :) a practical gift with an interesting birthday wishes. he's a friend that i will always value
alot. okie, anyway he said he is smarter this time when buying the gift as i am pretty picky at some presents i received. haha. he's so right. ;)
before we could all go off, suddenly i saw my cell leader standing at a corner, i went up to her and found out that.... she was lighting up the candle of my REAL birthday cake. wahaha. so they sang me a birthday song again. as soon as they finish, we got chased out of hall as the christmas drama people needs the place to practise. haha. what a surprise SURPRISED. so glad to meet with peixiong and have him to sing me my birthday song. after all its not easy to be my 15years long friend. gee. sharing my joy with me makes me even more excited about the actual happening.
FINALLY, i reached my grandma's place for my last birthday celebration of the day. when i reached, i was dead tired. the rest were playing ma-jong and watching show entertainment shows. i was so tired that i took a nap there before dinner time. while sleeping, alot of people called and i was trying my best to talk... i hope i didn't say anything funny or weird. gee. everyone came and woke me up for dinner. wow, that's like the birthday girl's life. haha. had a wonderful dinner cooked and prepared by my grandma, auntie and my mum. yummy!! had a good time of fellowship with my family members to celebrate my 21st birthday.
sometimes it does not have to be a big who-ha event. simple is good. :) i like it simple and nice. :)
what a long entry... :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@2:48 AM
i dont feel good. guess i am not resting and eating well or for some other reason, i feel that my body is aging. vomited thrice due to some stomach problem. arh. chinese medicine taste terrible but they work really well.
sigh. keep me in prayers. :) appreciated.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@1:52 AM
since last saturday i already had my first early birthday celebration. :) my ministry friends really gave me a surprise SURPRISED when they suddenly sing the birthday song to me after debrief. at first i thought they got the date wrongly but i realised today why they celebrated last week... cos there were more people last week and plus i guess they wanted to really caught me unaware. :) winks. that really kept me excited the whole week for my birthday to finally arrive after a long 364days since 2005. haha.
went back to work finally and had meetings about next year's curriculum. i finally was
confirmed as a full time stuff for next year. the next thing is to talk about my PAYROLL with the manager. wahaha. hopefully i can get about 1.4k due to my diploma cert plus the 4months of experiences working with them. pray pray praying hard. hee. :) anyhows i also got to find out the levels that i will be taking next year: n2 and k1. though its a bit sad that i am unable to take my previous class that's promoting to k2, but i guess since i will still see them in school, doesn't really matter. its good for changes. :)
alot of planning, weekly and daily lesson plans to write, preparation of props ... ... to do. sigh* feeling a bit tired of working during the holidays cos i am in such a lazy mode. but when i think about being paid, i endure through. hee. ($_$) money face. working with my colleague is quite fun but a little hard to move on somehow.... i need to be smart and work harder. (._.) not easy to be a good teacher at all times...
went to meet my poly girls. finally the 6 of us could meet up as a whole. usually one will be away but i was so so glad that we all could meet up. esp when they are all busy with work and all. wendy always flying in and out. meifen and lu constantly OT-ing and nad... actually also don't know what she is busy with. haha. went down to essential brews and had a good dinner. they bought me a nice thick coated chocolate cake and a really nice knitted top. :) i feel so loved by them. :) i really miss them so much and i do hope the meet ups are not just on the birthdays again...
when everyone is working, it is so hard to find a common time to meet. i guess its all about taking and making the effort to make friendship blossom and go far. :)
POS gang. haha. lots of fun and always lots of laugher where-ever we go. had a pretty filling dinner before phileo and sinyee pop out with the ice-cream-cake. :) WEE!!! so cute, so interesting and so innovative. :) jason, rongping and me were the 3 special people at that moment cos almost all of carls junior was looking at us posing for the camera with our ice-cream-cake. hee.
though it was a short dinner, i was happy enough for the mini gathering. it makes me feel that i am special, together with jason and rongping. i love the t'shirt card. funny, weird but nice. the sweetest thing i received was a really nice white necklace with the colourful retro paper bag with the bird sticker from jason. wow! :) was quite shocked cos i though we decided to give each other a watch on our birthday. okie, i still owe him his present. i guess i better feel guilty. gee. -_- thanks jason. most importantly thanks to the rest: phileo, rubez, candice, emil, wahkeong, sinyee, sharon for coming out with all the stuff to make us special. :)
shiqi called me to wish me happy birthday. :) was really very happy cos i was hoping she could come for the dinner. buy i know she had emgm meeting. but one phone call was enuf to make me smile. okie, i am straight... i like boys, ops i mean guys still. just that i like shiqi as a friend, a shi-jie much. :)
birthday is a time to make lots of wishes. let me compile them and reveal it soon. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach