30 November 2006 @1:01 AM
Sometimes we put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down.- lifted off my friend's blog. :) thanks raymond.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
28 November 2006 @5:27 PM
21. 7. 0312.
finally. :) i will be turning 21. not bragging about my birthday, but just excited. :) :) though its not going to be those fancy kind of celebration, but i'm glad enough to have my closer friends with me to make me feel great about my day. its my day soon. not that i can do anything i want, but at least its special enough for me to feel that happy.
birthday girls gets her way out of everything eh? hehe. like real.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
21 November 2006 @12:16 AM
thursday k-box was sure straining to my voice, cos i wasn't feeling good on my throat and i think i misused my voice badly. on friday i felt the difficulty when speaking to the children. anyway it was quite saddening for me as it was the last day of school and it means i won't get to see my class as MY class anymore. they all looked so excited to see me when i stepped into class. :) and i feel so so loved by them.
the party was like me suddenly turned into a waitress serving the children with the different types and kinds of tibits. and the tibits that the children bring to share, when added together is like a BIG mountain of goodies... wow! before they were dismissed, each of them were given a plastic bag and i kept giving out the tibits till their plastic bags were full but still there were alot of tibits left behind. it was really like in abundance of tibits. haha!
shafie gave me a nicely wrapped cup, lizhen's mum bought me chocolates and qeisha's mum, i supposed, gave me a small bottle of perfume wrapped with qeisha's winks club drawing. i love them all and the most touching gift was from yunhui. she wasn't feeling well early in the week and i spoke to her mum on thurday to let her come when she's better so that she can still enjoy the party feel. at first i thought she will not be coming anymore, anyhow she came knocking at the door 30mins before dismissal and passed me a thank you card. wah, my tears nearly dropped when i received it. :) saying goodbye to them was kinna
she bu de.
i brought home the rest of the tibits. hee. we had our own teacher's mini gathering for the last day of school party too. had a meeting about the working schedule for the coming holiday. sigh. i am only entitled for a week's of holiday and after that i have to come back to work almost everyday till next year. tough eh? but to think of it, got work means i will get an income. and then i can clear my building fund as soon as possible. yippie!
went to see a doctor after work. had to eat pills again in order to be well soon.
sat was another rushing day from cell to ministry again. but i enjoy every part of it. after serving, a few of us met up to celebrate wahkeong's birthday. mr jason once again... ai! nevermind. lets say he's nice to actually plan something to gather us. :) so jason, i appreciate your efforts k? hee.
reached home pretty late and i rushed to finished up qinsi's birthday card. wooh, ahjie said my cards are too commercial. eh, i guess i have to work harder on my card making skills.
WAH, i woke up late. rush rush rush to expo. after service, celebrated qinsi's birthday. the moment when she received the card and saw the $100 voucher, her expression immediatly changed. but when she saw the real pretty feet voucher, she smiled. seems like she expected something better. erm...okokie. nevermind. straight after that went off to meet qian yu and adelene to go down for the rocfish workshop. we fellowshiped for while after that before i left to meet meifen to go down to joanne's 21st birthday celebration.
out of the 5 of us, only the 2 of us could make it. it was a little disappointing when we went down as everything was quite in a mess. but slowly as her ntu friends came, it was much a happier occassion. finally met danny. erh no comments. just all the best to them. i had alot of fun with meifen, though most of the time we were entertaining one another. hee. had a long ride home with her, and we chatted alot as well. i thank God for such conversations, cos it is of quality.
i realised i miss my poly friends pretty much.
on the first day of my holiday, i re-designed the layout of my room. took me half the day. did all the moving, all the shifing myself. i guess i am really strong, even my dad was surprise when he found out i did everything by myself. :) i am proud of myself!
tired to type in details... too lengthy.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
16 November 2006 @2:21 PM
yesterday's parent-teacher conference was fun. i dressed up to look abit more formal just for the occassion. haha. anyway most parents are nice, they shared with me about the kid at home and all. it was a great time of exchanged info about the child. i really appreciate most parents making the trip down to meet me. :) at the same time i also learn more about my kids, but i am only left with tomorrow with them. sob. -_- i'll really miss them and their nonsense... heh.
today was extreme
boring! i then realised that teaching something is more fun than doing nothing the whole day, letting the children have free play session. piew. i was so bored and the children are too, from the way they play. worst, when they are bored, they pestered me the whole day and i was like their entertainer.... entertaining them with their play. we did almost everything: music and movement, art and craft, play time, computer, tv... and just enough to cover the 4hours of school. sigh. i just realised that they seem to enjoy playing more after finishing their work than to do nothing the whole day. maybe playing to them is like a reward, they study hard, they play hard. :)
tmr the nursery green class is combining with my k1 class for the year end party. i see a big mountain just placed in front of me. noisy + noisy = super noisy. wah haha. i better bring ear plugs. hee. thank God its only 2hours. probably play music for them to listen to enjoy.... :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
14 November 2006 @3:50 AM
i am not sure why i am not really tired yet. i guess writing 24 remarks for my student's "report card" is sure fun. too bad i can't write anything
nasty. ops! i meant something more direct than to beat around the bush to talk about surface things about the child. :/ but honestly i also do not want my parents to get a shock if my teachers were to write something nasty about me. hee. it all comes about. -_-"
yawns. i hope i'm done with them all....
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
13 November 2006 @12:14 AM
excited for tuesday's dinner. my dad said he is making mutton soup. woohee! 10years ago he tried and it was good. due to the huge preparation for this dish, he did not had time to try again. tuesday he is going back for his check up for his back shoulder so there is quite alot of time to make. i hope i can clear my work early to help him out. :)
talk about food, i am most alert. -_- yummy!!
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
12 November 2006 @10:07 PM
i was really irritated the whole morning. christine kept changing the meeting time from 8.15am all the way till 9.30am and all the timing were given by her. and i was waiting waiting and waiting. one thing i was upset about is she kept not wanting to tell me where she was, insisting that she is already on the way. yeah yeah, just stepped out of house also on the way. she brought another friend along, pei shan, who's as weird as christine herself. it was a not-really good sunday all the way even in service. lets say its all over and i don't want to talk so much about it. of cos i tried my best to listen and catch as much as i can during service.
sometimes i can't understand
X i have to always bear in mind be extra sensitive to her and her feelings. most of the time, she doesn't seem to understand me when sharing with her my thoughts and frustration. i'm known as rude instead. alright FINE. and her sms, i don't know what's up with the saving of sms, she rather cut short the words and cause so many misunderstanding then spending another 5cent to clear doubts. i seriously hate reading her long msg cos she tries to cut short every word and some words are jointed.
no doubt she is a nice girl. but certain things about her, i
really cannot understand. feeling a little tired for trying too much times. sigh.
i told sean... we have to learn to have a bigger heart and now he is telling me my line. sigh. i guess i really REALLY have to have a bigger heart. i'm going level 2, dealing with level 2 kind of people.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
11 November 2006 @11:32 PM
went to help out in the k2 graduation ceremony today. supposed to reach at 2pm to help the kids to put on make-up. due to cell group earlier in the morning, and knowing that i might not reach by 2pm, i pre-tell them that i can only reach by 2.30pm. at the end, people come late for cell and all, plus it was pouring cats and dogs i was really late and i only reached at 3pm. gosh, you can see from the other teachers' faces like... "WHAT THE HECK! where have you been when we were so busy helping the children to make up!"
i was like being
ignored for a while by everyone, while i try to find something to do to help the other kids. after a while then i seem to look a little more visable to be asked to do certain task for them. well i understand their anger, cos they looked pretty stressed. the k2 kids are really good at chatting. they can really talk none stop about everything, oh i meant
shout. they were practically shouting into one another's ears and the next moment complain that their friends shouted into their ears. diao! -_- so being nice, i entertained them.
out of the many many... this boy is one that i particular liked. sweet looking, polite, good boy image, respectful... actually i only took his class once and he left me a good enough impression: very nice, asks sensible questions.... another is by greeting me outside of school, after school hours. he has a nice smile, quite handsome and a nice name: Galvin.

their performance was great. smiles, snap alot of pictures for no reason... just to be reminded of memories of this batch on k2s. to think of it, my k1 daisy class they are going on k2 next year. i really wonder how how how life will be like for the teachers taking them... oh better keep my fingers crossed. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
10 November 2006 @2:48 AM
it really takes alot of effort to blog. been taking evening naps since monday as i am working straight till almost 5pm daily. i'm still trying to get use to the full time working hours. have been teaching chinese language to the nursery class and you can imgine how weird i sound when i try to speak chinese the whole time to the students with half the class being non-chinese. half the time i had to do translation for them. but they are all so cute, they just repeats after whatever chinese character you teach. i think i got to to brush up in my chinese, with the proper ying so that just in case i take a nursery class next year, i am more prepared. :)
worksheets and more worksheets. been sorting out my students work for their portfolio to be returned next week. you can imgine how frustrated i felt when the previous teacher left a pile of worksheets not filed and some of it are without the student's names. plus she missed out a student's observation form. aiyo. good thing that student's mum was really nice, so it was quite easy to contact her to find out if she had a previous copy at home.
i'm getting a little nervous about the whole parents-teaching meeting. i don't want to look as if i try so hard to impress parents or i look slack in my work. last of all, to look like a child in their eyes. a little stressed as the reponsed from those parents that wants to meet me, some are VERY particular about certain stuff... so i better be super extra careful and tactful with my words about their PRECIOUS BABY. -_-"
how i wish my teachers were tactful about me being inattentive in class last time. ops. haha. :)
forever 21. i love the clothes in there.i want to buy so many clothes there....
esp this one...
cost: $68 arggh. its too expensive for me to buy it now. so dress, please wait for me to buy you the next time. -__-;. i saw it online and it cost half the price cheaper but it doesn't seem to cater for asia countries. sigh.

♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
05 November 2006 @11:41 PM
lets do a trackback...
last thurday was my last day at school, where it will be the last day i am back for class. i guess i was glad that it finally ended but then again sad because i know i will miss my friends. anyway it was a fun presentation and a good closure for the whole school curriculum. the best part of the whole day was the dinner that we have all been waiting for - SEAFOOD. :)
we waited an hour for karbik and kitty as they had their practicum briefing. tina's twin came to join us and they look super idenitcial even though they are already 25, ida's husband also came along and we were all looking forward for the dinner. the bus journey there was another hour and it nearly drive me mad as i was really hungry to the max. there's a saying,
a hungry woman is an angry woman. haha. thankfully we manage to dig out some finger food to munch on our way there.
if you happen to pass by bukit timah double storey hawker and hear a group of girls laughing like mad, that will most probably be my friends and me. it was really good food, good dessert, good company, goodth service and good laughters. we really had so much fun with the food and the conversation and the acting of our other classmates, that we all forgotten about the time. i guess we really will miss one another much. or at least i will only miss the last group i worked with. :) winks.
friday, i went to help out in the k2 graduation rehersal. i learned a simple theory: when the other teachers are scolding the children, play the
angel to ask them to be nice, to behave themselves or they will get more scoldings... and they will mostly listen to you more. :) anyhow that was what i almost did the whole day as i wasn't taking any k2 class, so i was to help to take care of the k2 kids. i could see that it was pretty angry-ing when the kids starts to "play punk" and put up stunts that you didn't expect. but kids are kids, you can't blame them.
travelled up and down my house area the whole afternoon till evening. then went to meet anand for a movie. it was a BORING show, the covenant. the only catch is most probably steven straits, the main character of the show as he's quite good looking. the other time is watching them fighting like street fighter and a combo of matrix added to the fighting actions. diao. honestly lame. i think flushed away will be a better show.
saturday. cell started late. couldn't serve in ministry again. went to meet jieqi after that at town for dinner and for some cousins catch up. it was pretty silly that far east closes so early even before 10pm and we were walking around, hunting for shops that are still open for us to go it. it's like, we're prepared to spend money but no shop wants our money. how sad. so anyway we decided to chill at starbucks. girls are really talk and we chatted all the way till we remembered that we needed to catch the last bus. haha. anyway it was a good meet up.
we have all been waiting for this day. i will arise and lay down this sacrifice, as we're building your house on high. God i want to give an offering that touches Your heart that Your hand will surely move in my life. as i wrote the amount, i teared. i know i just have to trust Him. its an amount that i know means alot to me, and i believe God will feel it. presence of God was so strong that i could not control my tears as they kept flowing down. bible says those who sow in tears will reap in joy. amen to that!
finally finally met up with peixiong and oh also to make the first trip down to vivo city. huge place and we didn't shop much as he was pretty more hungry than interested to shop. after which we went to sit down in an open space and started talking. beautiful sight and night scene. we just chat and chatted about everything. thank God for such a friend like him. knowing him for 15 years has always been my pride. i love him so much. :)
i told peixiong
, "i missed a good boat."
he said a better will come.
will it? help me keep a look out." :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
01 November 2006 @10:49 PM
gosh, i actually fell asleep when i had to stay up to do a super important lesson plan for my practicum. once you don't get enough rest, you start doing funny things, such as i told myself to go to the toilet to wash up. the next moment, i woke up from the sofa and realised it was already 6.30am and i had 4 more lesson plans to edit. argh...
i was really freaking out, scolding myself for the super last minute work and anyhow i had to keep my fingers busy by typing and editing. tick tock tick tock.... as soon as i am done with 3 complete lesson plans, it was close to 7.30, which was supposed to be a time for me to leave my house to work. i couldn't go cos i know i have work left undone. out of no choice, i called vani to help me to cover an hour of my class, as i couldn't contact my principle. thankfully i managed to get her and explain to her. well it was my biggest mistake to make this time, cos i am short changing my kids and being irresponsible. i'll learn from my this mistake.
oh what a great day isn't it? i started out being late for work and while rushing to my classroom, one side of my shoes' mouth opened as i tripped. oh oh oh. haha. anyhow my students are a goup of caring and 'k-po' students, "miss neo what happened to your shoe?... you fell down? aiyo!!"
anyhow, my practicum today was fairly good. i was trying very hard. my "best 12" almost make me feel as if i had wrong judgement. maybe its my lesson. working with this 12 today makes me learn alot alot. i was a little worry when dr aru starts to frown a little cos i made a few mistakes here and there. worst of all, i used a wrong word to describe a picture. on the whole, i was really nervous and i really try my best to use my facial gesture to indicate to them that i really want them to sit properly, as they were sort of moving around. it makes me sit right at the edge of my chair when they start so leak a little of our "rehearsal" information. i quickly speak and brush them all off to their learning corners.
despite the "REHERSALS", they sabo-ed me by not going into the corners that i assigned them yesterday. well i can't blame them, children are supposed to be allowed to make their own choices of where they want to go for their extended learning. so i respect that i didn't really force them too much.
dr aru spoke to me about my lesson plan and shared a few really precious pointers. am very grateful for her to be my practicum supervisor as she was understanding and encouraging. i manage to do quite well, 90/100. personally i know i don't actually will get such high marks as i believe she was just being very nice. i didn't even expect her to give me such high marks, i thought around 70-80 range would be good enough for me. anyhow i just know i have to work triple hard next year.
i want to make a difference there.
i finally can rest a little. piew! :) thanks to those who prayed for me. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@12:14 AM
what a beautiful day from yesterday. i totally went bonkers when i was woken up by my mother at 12am yesterday. guess i was really too tired that caused me to want to sleep before doing anything else. my body is almost taking over my mind. so i stayed up till today morning to finish up with the stuff i needed to complete. the funny part is, i was so caught up with my learning corners activities that i did not even prepare for my group presentation later in the afternoon. all i wanted was to quickly go to school to change my classroom layout, to pre-train my class for my P-day. goshy, it nearing in less than 12hours. before my P-day ends, all i can think of is it. sigh.
i'm worried, i'm nervous, i'm feeling a little stressed. then again i think i'm just stressing myself up. after work, i rushed down to school for my presentation, really didn't want to go but i have no choice. while in the cab and waiting for my group's turn to present, i quickly prepared my pointers, but in the end i didn't used it as i took off from adelene's left off point and had other ideas to present later on. It was a boring presentation. maybe my mind is all about my P-day that nothing seems to interest me at all.
had a good chat with pat and it somehow give me extra strength to push on and worry less. i enjoy her lectures very much and i never fail to try and test her methods of dealing with children. somehow they work well for my children. afterall i am a "case-study" for so many wrong things i have tried out with my students. haha. i have to remember that they are children, young children.
anyhows my class was wonderfully fine today. :) even he, who hit me yesterday, was all smiley with me today, seems like he has short term memory or what. okie, i am satisfied with their behaviour and i hope it WILL be like that tomorrow too. thankfully, i manage to do a dry run with my best 11 plus 1 replacedment and they are all trained, knowing what to do and what is expected of them. cool.
should i say i'm all ready and prepared?
i went back to my work place to try to touch up the corners. well i stayed from 7pm - 10+pm staying in there makes me worry more than anything. so i decide i should just leave everything alone and come home to do up my 5 lesson plans.
i better stay moving on my work. wish me luck, thought the grade is either P or F. i know i won't fail but i just want to know that i did well from my p-lecturer's evaluation for me. yeah... i need to hear something pleasing to my ears. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach