15 July 2007 @2:11 AM
just in case you are wondering why am i not updating is because i have moved to a more interesting place to write. :) i'm still living, and living better each day.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
12 June 2007 @1:28 AM
went shopping at vivo yesterday evening and my toes were soring. thanks to val for accompanying me or i think i will have to take longer hours to complete my
present-buying-assignment. anyway after walking in and out of shops and comparing this and that.... finally bought it at the last store i stepped into.
it's the most expensive present i ever bought for anyone on my own. but i'm glad it was a good present for a good enough friend. :) sometimes some money can't be save on...
it was a good dinner, good dessert and a good enough catch up. i guess things are just good the way they are. as long as there's a thought for a friend once in a while is good enough.
time passes but somethings don't change with time.
a love for a friend remains. i am thankful enough for that. :)
God is fair, God is good, all the time.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
07 June 2007 @12:13 AM
talking about old friend again... i just had dinner with an old friend. still the same, telling me things that really amaze me, cos he reads and watches discovery channel alot. i'm quite the opposite of him cos i i hardly read and i watch more cartoons than other shows. :)
after waving goodbye, i turned and i bumped into another friend, whom i havn't met for quite a while. so it's considered old friend too. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
05 June 2007 @1:50 PM
recently, i have been having a few weird dreams. especially of my old friends. yea i wonder what do they mean and of cos i don't wish to see my dream happening in reality cos it will be freaky. :)
just this mornig, i woke up to a sms today that says, "ello" from an old friend. seems like all my old friends are coming back for a reunion with me. haha! and i am pretty serious about it, cos i have been talking to a few old friends recently too. by the way, old friends means i have lost contact with them for a while.
it takes a life time to build good friendships and a minute to break it. so very true. i will really love love to have good buddies around me when i turn 30+ and above.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
27 May 2007 @12:19 AM
"we send you out with blessings but it is really our lost".
upon hearing that makes me wanna cry when i think about it now. i'm taking everything well cos more or less i am already least prepared. there's so much to go on, so much more changes that i am expecting to expect...
someone somewhere will move on, someone has to raise up to occasion to fill in the gap. some people has natural talent, while others have to train up that talent. i have no natural talent. i force myself to pick things up, especially in things that i have special interest in, like children. i am NOT naturally kind hearted, i choose to be so that i am able to work with them.
the experiences i have, make people that sees me now think that i am really good with children. if only you see how trouble i was when i first started out.
every event in life is like a chapter in a book; there's an opening and finally an ending. the chapter may be long... but it still ends for the next to start. life is not base on just one event. i'm writing a closing for this chapter and starting on my new chapter.
there's no trial-run in life. play it well.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
23 May 2007 @11:39 PM
i need more rest
i need more sleep
i need more sun
haha. that was what jeremy told me when i met up with him yesterday.
anyway june holidays are approaching and i am as excited as the children. at the same time emerge conference 2007 is here too. yea! i need to be prepared in the spirit to receive something big this june.
i believe that 2007 is going to be a
good year, after experiencing many changes and expecting more changes to come. i'm pretty confident though.
recently been busy with portfolio and i am so glad that i am finally done with all of them. well not quite but... lets take it that its 98% complete and i am going to stop there. on friday i will be meeting 12 + 13 student's parents. that's quite a lot of them.
talked to raymond on monday and it was a pretty nice conversation. i like to do catching up with old friends like him cos we talk about the future then having some old friends who keep talking about the past. its like they never grow out of their old life. i hope i am able to make it for either night of his performance. it feels weird to think about meeting up after soo long.
then again, the human mind tends to think beyond the situation which is very often unnecessary. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
03 May 2007 @1:44 AM
sometimes its scary to take naps cos i will jump out bed or wherever i am sleeping on when i wake up as the first thing i do is to see my watch for the time. regardless of am or pm, it just makes me have that jerky feeling cos i really don't want to be late for work. argh. it happens a few time when i have short naps after my work when i get home. argh...
sometimes during saturday i have the same problem. my internal clock will wake up me and scare me then i will remind myself that it is saturday and there's no work. piew. so irritating! its like routine to wake up early daily... but thankfully i am a heavy sleeper. erm i mean i can go back to sleep anytime... no problem for me. :)
i just realised that i am running out of time to complete my portfolio. my deadline for my nursery class portfolio will be on next wednesday. then subsequently my k1 class to due on the 17 may. weah... parents teacher conference is coming... i better buy some more "teacher-like" clothes to wear while meeting them... haha.
today someone comment that i look like 17, a student more than a teacher. am i supposed to feel happy that i can look that young? well at least its good, cos i still can buy student meal at mac for a looonggg time.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
01 May 2007 @12:07 AM
i slept early last night as i was really tired. yawns. like i always do, i fall asleep in front of the television again. :)
i had a dream... it was weird. erm i mean it was funny. haha. anyway i guess i just miss my friend. :) to think that i was going to marry jeremy in a hurry was really a funny thought. in my dream, a lot of things really went through my mind, such as do i really like him? cos we're so much better off friends. or how are we going to live together after all that... but i struggled hard to wake up and stopped the dream.
i told him about it and he feel offended cos he feels that i think that he is not a good enough guy.
haha. jeremy is a nice guy. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
28 April 2007 @11:16 PM
i dream of you
it just feel so weird cos people normally dream of things or people that are often in contact with.
but it was a good dream.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
@10:44 PM
sometimes silence is indeed golden.
no point talking sense to a person who talks big. i totally understand what my supervisor told me, "if you need something, or you don't know anything,
open your mouth to ask." serious, if you are reading the bible, there is a famous saying,
ask and it shall be given unto you. please don't tell me you left that part out while reading the entire bible.
sometimes some people are just so good at talking that they think they can smoke through almost everything. sadly to break to bad news to you,
you can't.
wo shi guo lai ren. i went through a lot to become who i am today. i know who are those who talk a lot and try to smoke through, its just that i don't expose you.
speak lesser and do more. better still
show results or else whatever you have been telling us that you are doing are considered
dead works.
don't know,
don't have,
don't expect things to fall nicely on your lap.
grow up! no one is there to serve you.
wooh. just a random comment that went through my mind on my way home.
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
27 April 2007 @12:42 AM
its coming. finally. i waited for it to come since june last year. :) yippie!!!
1st may 2007. tuesday.
peter parker.
spidey spider man III. my favourite.

i'm dying to catch it. :)
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach